What's better than Christmas in April?
Once we outgrow the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus stage, there are precious few things that we look forward to with that kind of excitement. You know, that feeling when you're counting down the days, daydreaming about something special and plotting with your friends? Adulthood kind of drains that away from us
And then… Ta-dah! Enter American Mahjong, stage left! We already know how special this game is. It’s a ton of fun, good for our brains, and builds community. We know the joys of collecting tiles, and all sorts of mahjong goodies. We look forward to playing each week with our besties.
But the real excitement is waiting for the new NMJL Card every Spring!! It’s all the same feels as being a kid and checking off the days on the calendar as your birthday approaches. You get more and more excited as the day grows closer. You and your friends imagine what gifts you’ll receive, and what flavor cake your mom will bake. Or, let’s get real - buy from the bakery.
Waiting for the new Card is the grown-up version of that. You imagine the new hands. Will there be hands with Pungs of Flowers this time? What will the 2025 hands look like? What will the “big hand” in Singles and Pairs be? You stalk your mailbox as though you’re waiting for your Super Spy Decoder Ring. You constantly poll your friends to see who’s gotten theirs. And you’re secretly deflated if someone else gets theirs first.
And then when your new Card does arrive there’s celebration complete with happy dancing! You pour over it to check out every detail. Which hands are carried over from the old Card? (There’s always a few.) Which hands are crazy, exciting, really easy, or really hard?
It’s a deliciously nostalgic feeling to savor and appreciate. In a world of polarized opinions, tension, and conflict mahjong can once again be more than our occasional port in the storm. Mahjong and all its trappings is something positive, collaborative, and exciting to look forward to. And it's fun.
Now all we need is a big slice of birthday cake!