Parthers of Beginners American Mahjong making faces with their hands and laughing

Welcome to BAM!

We take mahjong very seriously.

When a friend offered to teach Nancy to play mahjong she pictured the Bridge Mix and Bugles ladies of her youth chattering away at a game table. She laughed out loud and then thought sure, why not? And what a surprise! It turns out those ladies were on to something. Mahjong is FUN and Nancy was immediately hooked. That’s not to say she was very good at it, but it didn’t matter. She had discovered a game where you get to use your brain without getting a headache! 

Since then Nancy has been all in on American Mahjong, playing with friends, teaching at a continuing education center, hosting events, seminars, and strategy classes, always breaking down the game into bite size pieces that come together easily. And above all - making it fun!

With the game exploding in popularity across the country Nancy and her sister Sarah put their heads together and Beginner’s American Mahjong was born. Nancy teaching, and Sarah behind the scenes with all things organizational. From the start BAM has been about building a community of new mahjong players. We offer really fun, casual classes for absolute beginners, along with review and strategy clinics, themed social events, and even fundraising opportunities for your favorite causes. We hope you’ll stick around and become part of our community. Oh yeah, and don’t forget to check out the pages of excellent can’t-live-without resources, filled with everything you need to get your mahj-on!